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13/12/2020 NewsWhat are your chances of purchasing an eBay deal? eBay deals are heavily discounted items that you can buy, but normally they are very hard and rare to win. In this post, I’m going to share with you some of the top tips I use to purchase these eBay deals. I’ve actually won a few in the past and these tips have come in handy.
There have been many occasions where I didn’t even have a chance to purchase these deals because I have purely forgotten about them. The best tip I can give you is to add reminders on your calendars. I add an event on my Google Calendar with a scheduled reminder.

I set a reminder two reminders, one at 1 hour before the eBay deal goes live and another at 5 minutes. This will give you enough time to plan and prepare to win the eBay deal. The 1-hour reminder is particularly useful if you’re not in front of your computer and need some time to get yourself in front of one.
The 5-minute reminder is to remind you to start logging into your eBay account and to get ready to win! You can also add an alarm on your phone so you also don’t forget. You can also use Google assistant to open up eBay when you snooze the alarm.
This leads us to the next point.
Before the actual event, make sure you log in to your accounts. This includes both your eBay and your PayPal account. We recommend that you use PayPal to process your payment since it’s a quicker method to checkout. Basically, the quicker you make the payment, the higher the chance you can purchase the deal. You are also able to link your PayPal account by going to Account Settings at the top left hand corner where you name is located.

Click on PayPal Account

Check the status of your account to see if it’s linked to PayPal. If it isn’t then link it.

Checking out with PayPal will save you about 5-10 seconds and that sometimes makes a huge difference when trying to purchase these eBay deals.
Just a second before the eBay deal launches, refresh your browser. I normally have the Windows Clock which shows the number of seconds. Open the Windows Clock Leave this on when you are a minute before the deal launches. It’s all about timing!

This has happened a few times. I’ve set reminders and just a few minutes before the deal, I tried multitasking and forgot to concentrate on getting the eBay deal. The last tip I’m going to give you is to just concentrate on purchasing the eBay deal and be quick – timing is everything! Good luck and I hope you get some of these eBay deals.